Seeing my dogs chasing after squirrels and barking up a tree can really make your day. Sniffing and hunting as if she's a hunting dog in a forest, looking for her prey,Fluffy is as cute as a dog can get.
I am torn between the will to clean and help around the house or spend my time reading, surfing the net, enjoying my own free time at my own pace. I finally brought my guitar home, need to change the strings though. Classical guitar, it sounds nicer than acoustic, the name I mean, the sound of an acoustic may sound nicer but, to me, a guitar is just a guitar, it's the talent, more of the passion that matters to me. A person may show tremendous talent in an instrument but without the proper emotions and passion, I'd rather watch a beginner starting off with passion and love towards their playing anytime.
Hopefully, I will be able to master both the piano and guitar soon. I have been procrastinating long enough on these two instruments. Even my Croation Rhapsody which I was so enthusiastic about at the beginning of the year,I only managed to learn up the first 2 pages, memorized them to be exact. 3 MORE SHEETS OF MUSIC TO GO!
Ok, let me rant a little about my dream house, since I've already started on and on about having an enormous library. You know hos some people dream about having the perfect bedroom and living room and garden, well, I'd prefer the perfect kitchen and library. I had even thought that if my house was to small to build my perfect kitchen, I would demolish the living room and all my guests would have to end up sitting in my kitchen! =)
Don't worry, in compensation, I would feed my guests till they can stuff nothing more into their bellies.
There, my dream kitchen, filled with every pot, and tins and cutlery and plates and knives. Everything, perfect with every imaginable items that are needed in a kitchen. Large ovens to roast 20 birds at once, thousands of cake tins enough to build an empire of cakes and cookies and other delicious goodies. Hey, I just rhymed. =) That's it, my next post shall be about Cookies and other delicious goodies. Oh, the number of sharp knives and forks, one may think twice trying to break into my house. Bowls and plates, pots and pans. Ohhh...Chopping boards, rolling pins. OK, paging Dixie,Dixie. Earth calling space. COME BACK TO EARTH!
Doesn't this depict a picture of perfect homeliness?
The first thing I usually do if I enter someone's home, I must see their kitchens. Call this obnoxious or a compulsive disorder,but hey,I'm human. =) I crave for perfection just like any other normal person would.
Ok, enough ranting for now. I'm not even sure if I'm writing this for my own sake, like a little diary or for people out there to catch a glimpse of my somewhat, perfect-but-not-too-perfect life. Stay tuned for more imperfections of the daily life of an imperfect person.