Sunday, October 10, 2010


I need to get away from the routines of my life. The same things happening over and over again. It is surprising how surprised I can be still. I thought I have been surprised and shocked till I can't be shocked no more and there, Surprise Surprise, something comes along unexpectedly.

I'm contradicting myself if you noticed, I just said I wanted a change from my routines and here am I complaining about surprises. Well, I do not mind nice surprises but these are turning into little mini nightmares. It's like everything is laid bare, no where to hide, no where to run.

Whom can I trust, whom shall I pour out my troubles...

I am scraping my life back together and it is not easy. Now I know why God said, do not judge others,because I hate being judge.

Now I see, people are watching your every move, your every word. There's no saying that these things won't be said and used against you.

Cautious I shall be, No more seeing the real me.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...