Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tis the festive season to grow, in size.

Well, the time has come to let loose the belts and start gorging on food and those little red packets that bring much joy to those who receive them.(feel kinda sorry for those who are married,only during this festive season).

So far, I have been quite diligent and discipline in trying to not gorge myself silly.

Ahh, I remember the days when I was much younger and I didn't care much about weight and size and looks.I have to say this has changed. I now have to watch what I eat much to my fear of having a big belly like Santa Clause. Mr.Owen is right beside me peering into this laptop as my fingers run thorugh the keys. He is laughing for no apparent reason. He seems to find it amusing that his name is on this laptop screen. Mr.Owen is 8 years old and wear specs, with much gusto and strength in his arms. =) (Mr.Owen does not want to be called Mr.Owen, he says he just wants to be known as Owen only!)

That's all. I seem to be writing nonsense for the moment. Will soon update more. Hopefully.

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