Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday's best...

Me in my Sunday's best... Looking more like a working lady though... Skirt belongs to my mum, or someone... I get a lot of second hand clothes... Not that I'm complaining. =)

The black belt is really old. Belonged to my mum when she was young. It's around 30 years old. It's coming back to fashion with all the over sized belts and to think my mum used to strut around with most of the clothes that I have now. Fashion is so repetitive...

I need to ensure that my weight stays constant... It has been going up and down like a roller coaster which is a very bad thing. I feel this is what people call binge eating... I really watch what I eat sometimes and there are times when I overindulge,like literally indulge in chocolates, junk food, ice cream...*you can start salivating now*

These cravings MUST stop. =(

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