Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chocolate milk.

I hate and detest milk but I love chocolate milk.

I hate and cannot stand cheese but I love any kind of cheese ON pizza and lasagnas only.

I can't stand having butter in bread but I love toasted bread with butter.

I use to sulk and shiver at the mere mention of vegetables, now I can't seem to get enough of them.

I use to hate bitter gourds but now, it does not bother me one bit.

I had once thought coffee was very bitter and tasted funny, and now, coffee is my constant companion.

I use to be a daredevil/tomboy and absolutely abhor wearing skirts, dresses and heels, now, it has become a fun time wearing skirts and dressing up.

Funny, how we change over time.Likes become dislikes and we grow up to learn to tolerate,not all things but most things.


Looking for perfection? Well darling, there is no such thing as perfection. Never expect such a thing from anyone or anything. We all will just have to learn to live with all the imperfections of life.

When we learn to lower our expectations, that's when we are able to feel at least that tiny hint of satisfaction. Live and let go. Don't hold on to things that won't last.

The only perfect thing in this world,is to live with the imperfections.
(Dixie Ong, 2010)